Jackets for Hornsea Two
In the third quarter of 2020 BigLift Shipping’s Heavy Transport Vessel mv BigLift Barentsz transported two jackets from their construction site in Indonesia to the UK’s east coast. They will provide the foundation for the Hornsea Two wind farm’s RCS and OSS platforms.
The offshore substation (OSS) and reactive compensation station (RCS) jackets weigh around 5,000 mt and 1,500 mt respectively. At the PT SMOE Yard in Batam, Indonesia, they were rolled on board over the vessel’s stern by SPMTs. To accommodate access, the vessel was moored the Mediterranean way. A shore crane lifted the twelve accompanying skirt piles on board. Heerema’s SSCV Sleipnir travelled to the OSS location in the North Sea on September 29. It discharged and installed the OSS jacket after it had transferred the RCS jacket and piles to its own deck. Sleipnir then moved to the shallow water RCS location to install the RCS Jacket.
BigLift MC-Class
The Heavy Transport vessels BigLift Barentsz and BigLift Baffin are two identical, state-of-the-art HTVs. With their large decks they offer capabilities for ro-ro cargoes up to about 16.000 mt apiece. These vessels can cope with heavy modules and other complex loads because of their high deck strength and the uniform grid of bulkheads and web frames, combined with an optimised ballast system. The 125*42 metre deck is completely flush, without any air heads or overflow pipes and the vessels' loading and discharge times are significantly reduced by their high ballast capacities and redundant systems.
Both vessels are outfitted with an exhaust gas cleaning system, which not only reduces SOx below the IMO requirements but also significantly reduces CO2 emission, black carbon and particle emissions when running on heavy fuel oil. Additionally, in our commitment for cleaning shipping, we are investigating the use of 5 to 10% renewable bio based fuel blended with MGO for our MC Class vessels. These modern Heavy Transport vessels provide shipping services to the market where the highest degree of redundancy and reliability are required, ensuring safe and timely realisation of any transport challenge within their capabilities.

Hornsea Two Windfarm
Ørsted’s Hornsea Two offshore wind farm is located approximately 89 km off the Yorkshire coast in the North Sea, and the project will consist of 165 turbines with a combined total capacity of 1.4 GW. The project will use the world’s largest offshore substation to deliver electricity from offshore wind to well over 1.3 million UK homes. Hornsea Two will become fully operational in 2022.
Sleipnir is the world’s most sustainable SSCV, and during the project, the vessel performed the full installation operations while running on emission-reducing LNG fuel. Using LNG, Sleipnir reduces CO2 emissions by 25%, NOx emissions by 92%, SOx emissions by 99%, and Particulate Matters by around 99% compared to traditional Marine Gas Oil crane vessels. This action is in line with Heerema’s announcement that the company will go Carbon Neutral in 2020. The successful and safe installation completes a close partnership between our client Heerema Marine Contractors, leading renewable energy company Ørsted and their fabricator SMOE in Batam.